Learning from the experiences of escort girls is the best idea in this business. Whether a beginner or heavily invested in the industry, you can quickly become an elite escort girl by reinventing yourself. However, instead of giving you more tips and tricks on creating the perfect escort girl persona, here’s how one VIP escort girl made $5,000 a night. He came to America from Russia when he was 19 years old. With only $300 in his pocket, she saved up about $200,000 by early spring this year. She had just turned 24 at the time. Now, she lives lavishly, traveling to Paris, Monaco and Beijing. She even managed to buy a small house for her parents. And she has saved a lot of money in just a few years.
In a Medium article, she describes herself as a businesswoman. “I did what our politicians always encourage immigrants to do: work hard, take chances, make the most of your talents, and adapt to the new global economy.”
The escort girl’s lady originally came to America as a tour guide. She knew from popular culture how interesting, free and exciting America was, but she was stunned to realize that her expectations of the country were merely naive impressions.
She alternated between odd jobs, received some advances from employers, and eventually worked in massage parlors. Their pay was so good that she immediately understood why when she got her first client. She worked there for two months before she was fired, but it’s questionable whether that was because she started meeting clients privately or because the spa wanted to hire new girls.
She started a massage business with one of her coworkers, with excellent results. But most of the male clients always wanted something more – a classic handjob. She always refused but never asked her friend what she did for her clients.
One of her regular clients, who was always curious to know more about her and her life, finally made her an offer. At first, she refused, but then he called and invited her for an evening at the Plaza Hotel, so she went. He told her he was always kind and helpful to her, that he wanted to take care of her, and that she was a good psychologist because she knew how to comfort people.
That night, they drank expensive champagne, talked, and had sex. Her client gave her an envelope containing $1,000, but she replied that it was not payment. He got her because he liked her so much. In the morning, he had to go on a business trip, but he stayed in a suite at the hotel, used room service, and felt happy and satisfied. At first, the elite escort girls didn’t know what to think about this encounter. After that night, she looked for her client, but he never contacted her again. At that moment, she realized exactly what she had done. This was the beginning of her career.
Stay tuned for the next part of her story!