Have you ever watched all the escorts porn videos from around the world, had sex with so many girls you can’t even remember their names, and thought your sex skills are notorious? Taking all this into consideration, you probably want to become a geo cam escort. There are plenty of online platforms waiting for your application! If you are somehow lucky enough to be invited for an interview, you must be ready to face some challenges and meet those requirements.
As you may have heard, height is very important to become an escorts porn star. The biggest companies in the industry claim that escortgeo cam performers have big dicks. Less than 16cm doesn’t count in escort porn. In the eyes of the companies, 23cm is the average penis. More than that is fine, but more than 10 inches puts you in a different class of performer who usually deserves more money, more prestige, and of course more attention behind the scenes.
When you come for the interview, you will be asked to get turned on within 30 minutes. There may or may not be a beautiful escortgeo camera in the room. When she is there, she may or may not show you her boobs. Some of the girls who appear in the interview may let you touch them, some may not… it’s all a matter of the situation. These are all possible options for what will happen during the interview.
Next, the judge will ask you to masturbate vigorously for 10-15 minutes without any sexual stimulation. You know, you have to hold him tight for a long time without any stimulation other than your hands while the staff moves the lights and corrects your intonation, but you can’t come during that time. We will test these types of situations. You then have to come within one minute as ordered, but not until the signal allows you to. To make it even harder, you are asked to start masturbating within three minutes, and after 30 minutes you start touching yourself again.
Let me put it this way: you have to be healthy. If you look good, there is a good chance you live a healthy lifestyle. Six-packs come from hard training and a good diet, not from donuts. Most of the professional escortgeo cameras say that they train 6 days a week, follow a keto diet, and sleep at least 8 hours every night.
If you are not confident in your physical strength, you may have heard that the time you spend shooting porn as an escorts is like 6 hours of aerobics training. You must be prepared for this! You should be open to things that the average man is not willing to try. Imagine a threesome with a woman and another man. The director wants you to shoot a double penetration scene. You are underneath the girl and the other guy is on top of her. Both of you take the shit out of her pussy. Sexy, right? What you probably don’t know is that his balls will smack your dick and balls a little with each thrust. For most straight guys, this might seem pretty far removed from their sexual orientation. You might think otherwise, but the director forces you to! And you have to look like you love this sex position.
- Last but not least, a good escortgeo cam portfolio is always an advantage. You can include any modeling work you’ve done, such as photos or companies you’ve worked with. Another good thing to include is an amateur escort porn video you made with your regular partner before. Or, like me, you can add your entire collection of homemade escorts porn. Now that you already know the requirements of the world’s largest escort porn company, you can start preparing. Try masturbating without escort porn, try to ejaculate in 30 seconds, get in shape during your summer interview, and train while recording your homemade escorts porn video! Even if you don’t become an escort geo cam, you will have enjoyed multiple orgasms and learned how to control your desire to ejaculate. And you may have a collection of adult content movies on the shelves in your bedroom. Then you will be a real escortgeo cam!